quinta-feira, julho 28, 2005

acho massa quando a gente se emociona com coisa que parece bobagem pros outros, mas enfim, é isso que chamam idiossincrasia né?

entrevistinha bacana essa do ryan adams no site da pitchfork.

tipo, esses carinhas da pitchfork são tão escrotos que fizeram parecer que o ryan adams eh que entrevista o cabeça da pitchfork.

mas achei a entrevista bacana. dá pra sacar um pouco a relação conturbada que o ryan tem com a imprensa e com os fãns.

e que puta papo legal. os caras falam de sonic youht, citam pavement, falam (mais ou menos) mal do coldplay, indie, tem ateh guitar wolf na entrevista. guitar wolf que, segundo consta, encerrou suas atividades porque morreu um dos cabeças. tipo, e pensar que o dom já viu um show do desse guitar wolf! no... mato grosso... do sul!!! pensa numa coisa bizarra. deve ser parecido com um show do guitar wolf.

lembro que li uma vez um carinha perguntando:
"vcs naum têm medo de ficarem surdos tocando alto desse jeito?"
gw: "não, porque somos filhos de lobos"


e inclusive teve turnê do autoramas com o gw no japão neh?

enfim, voltando. o post eh sobre deus, ops, desculpe, ryan adams. recomendo a leitura da entrevista, apesar de ser meio longa. reproduzo aqui um trecho não menos que felomenal da entrevista.


Pitchfork: So have you ever met Bryan Adams?

Adams: Yeah, once.

Pitchfork: Was it weird?

Adams: It was pretty weird. He was at this hotel in Germany. And I was upstairs, and I had really bad, bad fucking bronchitis, and I had to fly, you know? I think it was Munich. And I had flown over to do a week of press. I was so ill, like before the plane even landed, I was dying. So we tried to get the in-house doctor to come see me because I definitely needed something to break up some of mucous. And I got all these drugs, and then I got extra drugs, just because I was there, whatever else I was into at the time. I mean, it's no mystery what I was into at the time. I basically got fixed up, he helped me to sleep. And it got charged to Bryan Adams' room.

Pitchfork: Did he call you?

Adams: Yeah! So it was this big thing, and I get this call. And he's like well, I think they've been charged to the wrong room. He's got an English accent, I think his mom might be English or something. And he really wanted to come down and meet me. But I said no, I was too sick. I thought it would be greatest thing, I was just super-contagious. So we talked for awhile, and he was like "I definitely want to have a truce." And I was like, I'm not mad at you! He was being really emotional about it. And I was like, I don't talk shit about you. I think everyone else has been making really weird comparisons or getting caught up in the name. And I was like, it's a fucking Catholic name! Whatever. So then the medication I was taking made me kind of high, and I ended up calling him back later and asking him to be the tin man in that video I did with Elton John. Which he of course declined.

Pitchfork: That's a great story.

Adams: I know, but I really shouldn't have called him back. "By the way, man, do you want to play the tin man?"

Pitchfork: I don't think you should regret that.

Adams: (In British accent): "I think I am going to be busy for the next thousand years."

Pitchfork: Do you ever wonder if people go to Bryan Adams shows and yell out the names of your songs?

Adams: I don't know! I think the only reason that they do that-- I mean, they don't really do it much anymore, I hear it once in a very long while-- is because they think that it actually makes me mad. They think that the song name is what makes me mad, which is absurd. I don't care what they were yelling. The problem is that the guy who was yelling that song title out, the time I got really mad, was yelling it over and over again. And Gillian Welch and David Rawlings were on stage with me, and we were singing a three-part harmony to "Bartering Lines", with no musical accompaniment, except a banjo and his Archtop guitar.
So when the breakdown happens, it's just three voices, and the guy yells it out. And I'm so honored to be onstage with those guys, you know? And this guy screaming over them? "Summer of '69"? It's like, you know what, it wasn't fucking funny the first time you did it, which is why nobody laughed. But after eight or nine times? At the Ryman? I was just like, this sucks. These are my friends. Just stop. So when I kicked that guy out, everybody thought it was because he was confusing me with Bryan Adams. But it was more a matter of respect. I mean, come on, there are these bluegrass musicians up here, the best out there that I know of.

Pitchfork: Good luck with your tour. I hope it goes well over there.

Adams: I think it will be cool. I've been over enough now that I know of now how to do it. You just keep your head down...

Pitchfork: And avoid the NME?

Adams: Oh, totally! Avoid everybody.


vc só percebe que tem coração quando tá doendo?: youth group - lillian lies


At 7/28/2005 04:59:00 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Ferreira said...

isso se chama INDIESSICRASIA.

hauhauahuaha, nós somos filhos de lobo, hauhahjkhjkahjkh q TOSCO!

vou lê-la assim q voltar da padaria.

eu já falei q eu amo esse bologue hj?

guitar wolf tocou com o autoramas sim, sim!

info inútil:

na casa do bisnaga de mostarda, o homi da camisa amarela tem autoramas... hihihi...

se amarrei no "relação conturbada com a imprensa"... libertino correspondente gringo do blasen. fino.

At 7/28/2005 05:11:00 PM, Blogger El Bucho Negro said...

vc só percebe que tem coração quando tá doendo?

putz, essa emocionou, viu?

At 7/28/2005 05:23:00 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Ferreira said...

lindo xuxu,

caprichomente falando,


At 7/28/2005 05:24:00 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Ferreira said...

digo, na casa do bisnaga tem AUTORAMA, o brinquedo e tal.

bah, whatever.

At 7/28/2005 05:57:00 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Ferreira said...

e ainda:

declaro o título desse pouste o mió de todos os tempos.

At 7/28/2005 06:11:00 PM, Blogger eu said...

guitar wolf ao vivo = a barulheira mais brulhenta que ouvi em toda minha vida. não dava pra saber se estavam cantando em ingles, japones ou, quem sabe, em portugues.... imaginem um jesus and mary chain (microfonias) somado com slayer (velocidade das musicas), ramones e atari teenage riot (mais barulho).

At 7/28/2005 06:16:00 PM, Blogger Rodrigo Ferreira said...

cara, o atari teenage riot fez um show aqui em BH. eu e um povo chegamos lá o show já tinha acabado ou tava acabando. o povo saía da trash - a casa de shows - como ouvido sangrando, hauhauhauhauhauhauhuaha... o pouco q eu ouvi eu vou reproduzir aqui:

uimmm onnnn uiiiiIIIIIiiiii onnnn IIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiinnnn ononononoOOOOOOOiiiiiIIIIIIInnnnn shhhHHHHhhhhhhHHh uéiiIIIIiimmmmm túuuuuuuUUUUuuuuuu.... thank you, cya, bye bye.

fim do show.

At 7/28/2005 06:54:00 PM, Blogger El Bucho Negro said...

slayer é deus.

At 7/29/2005 12:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anônimo said...

alguem pode mandar o clipe do death cab pro yousendit?

At 7/29/2005 10:13:00 AM, Blogger Rodrigo Ferreira said...

manda aí buxo, eu vou dormir.


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