"Indie Rock & Roll" - The Killers
Indie rock'n'roll, it's time
Two of us
Flipping through a thrift store magazine
She plays the drums, I'm on tambourine
Bet your, your bottom dollar on me
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
It's all I need
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
In a clutch
I'm talking every word for all the boys
Electric girls with worn down toys
Make it up, break it up, what do you care
Oh what do you care?
I take my twist with a shout
A coffee shop with a cause, then I'll freak you out
No sex, no drugs, no life, no love
When it comes to today
Stay if you wanna love me, stay
Oh don't be shy, let's cause a scene
Like lovers do on silver screens
Let's make it yeah, we'll cause a scene
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
It's all I need
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
In a clutch
I'm talking every word for all the boys
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
It's all I need
Makin' up, breakin' up, what do you care
What do you care?
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
Two of us
Flipping through a thrift store magazine
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
It's all I need
Makin' up, breakin' up, what do you care
What do you care?
It's Indie rock'n'roll for me
hoje é dia de: Garagem!

I take my twist with a shout
mió frase de todos os tempos de hj...
eu acho q essa foi a primeira música do killers q eu ouvi. antes de vc me emprestar o cd - q eu quase num ouvi - eu procurei por "indie" no soulseek e apareceu essa musga e uma outra do sebadoh, a "just gimme indie rock".
so, qual é o veradeiro hino indie?
sebadoh ou killers?
vou catar a letra do sebadoh e postar, right now.
num conheço o sébado. manda a músga pra nois! rola uma votação pra eleger o hino indie :-)
essa letra não existe.
gimme indie rock by sebadoh não existe na internet.
desafio alguém a achar a porra da letra.
tdo q eu achei foi o Lou Barlow falando sobre o significado da bagaça.
Jon- so, tell me about some of your songs. what's Gimme Indie Rock all about?
Lou (Barlow)- well, it's totally a double-edged joke. You know, it's about indie rock bands and we are an indie rock band. It's just like i was listening to college rock radio one day and everything just sounded the same. they all have the same influences, it was all kinda bogus. And yet we're making fun of ourselves as well.
e eu lembro q a letra é legal, cita uns nomes de banda e tal...
q porra.
vou ter q achar a bagaça da música nos meus 300 cdz de backup.
ou mió, vou baixar de novo.
stay tune.
letra achada e publicada.
musga on the way.
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